Thursday, February 26, 2015

Brain Depositary: After 5:00 P.M Slip Brains Through Slot in Door

"I don't care about the subject matter; I don't care about the acting; but I do care about the pieces of film and the photography and the soundtrack and all of the technical ingredients that made the audience scream." -Alfred Hitchcock

You remember those times when you're walking through a long hotel hallway. Now keep in mind, you're in this luxurious hotel with intricate patterns on the rug. You see doors on the sides with their respected number and ever so often you may see a desk with some flowers on it or a painting. You keep walking and you just start thinking to yourself, "Am I going to see two twins at the end of the next hallway, asking me if I want to play with them forever, and ever, and ever..." No? Well, it surely has happened to me, but this just begins a discussion about the one thing that we all have, our brain. My brain immediately associated the empty hallway with The Shining. My fear and suspense is bursting through as my imagination flourishes. The brain makes us think about those movies, while when we watch them the movies themselves has a power to control you. 

Mind Control? Something from Science Fiction right? Recently, there has been studies that coined the term, "Nuerocinema". This is the study to find out which styles of cinema has maximum control over your emotions. An experiment was made in which the contestants were hooked up to an FMRI while they watch a portion of a movie. They found out that each of the contestants had the same brain signals in the same part of their brain. Their eyes watched the same part of the screen too. This scientifically proves how movies connects with us even on a neurological level. 

How do they do this? As Hitchcock said, the technical prowess that inhibits the scene of a movie is used to grab the audience's attention even without the ability of the actors or the impact of the subject matter. How the audience gets immersed into this is by the style of each filmmaker. Hitchcock uses his lighting styles and cinematographic choices with the touch of the placement and blocking of the actors and camera. Other directors use their trademark techniques like Spielberg with his subtle one shots, Scorsese with fast cuts, etc. 

This becomes our conclusion. The way the filmmaker submerges audience in his movies and his styles is the bulk of nuerocinema. This can tell us many things in the future by analyzing which style audiences are conditioned to like rather than others. Perhaps in the future, we can use our brainwaves to control the story and style of a movie. And perhaps the reason we love certain movies so much is the unpredictable surprise of a scene and style. Then again, movies are the memories of our lifetime. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Oscars: Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night!

What the Academy Awards really are: a truth filter for moviegoers. By filtering the glut of movies being marketed to us daily with billions of dollars in advertising, the Oscars give us a look at the best of the best

Ever since I watched my first Oscars when I was 7, I always feel enchanted by the atmosphere and the world that seems so far away. I went to sleep wondering and dreaming if one day I can be there. On Sunday, the 2015 Academy Awards are being held. I can tell you who I think can win, or you can read all the other articles about predicting the winners. I'm here to discuss not about the nominees, the winners, the ones that snubbed, but about the ceremony itself. Why is it important and why we still need to recognize it.

Although you can place accusations, and some are very well founded, about the lack of diversity or the other problems that the Academy have, the ceremony is still the most prestigious and biggest night in Hollywood. In my house, it's a holiday. We are excited, we place our bets, and it's like watching the finale of the World Cup. Paul Thomas Anderson said that, "it's a drag when it's turned into sport." That's very true and in retrospect that is the core of the Awards. Showcasing the best of the best with one winner taking home the coveted prize. Everybody's blood and sweat just for a seat in a theater and if your lucky a statue. Do people really care? If studies show that 43 million eyes have been watching, that's a sign that it's a very important night 

It's not an important night for just the awards though. It's important to forge the things we love in the name of story and not sport. Although, the Academy is celebrating the best of the best, it's celebrating the one thing we must stay true to as filmmakers. We need to celebrate the essence of movies. The history, the romance, the conflicts, and the stories that take place when we are watching a movie. My family doesn't just see the Awards to watch who wins, it's to celebrate the one thing that we all love and that is movies 

Is the Academy Awards still important? The answer in my ballot will be yes. We must celebrate one of the most single important inventions and ideas that mankind has produced and has changed society in more ways that it can count. Here is an idea that is given to us, here is the emotions that we get out of it, here is the excitement, here is the wonder, here is the images that fly through our eyes, and here is looking at you, kid. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Welcome Home, Spiderman

Marvel has long wanted to put Spider-Man in its movies, but since Sony Pictures controlled the rights to the charger since 1999, the web slinger has been off limits. 

Look out! Here comes the Spider Man! Spider Man has been brought back to Marvel with Sony Pictures still having distribution and creative rights to character in any stand alone films. Marvel doesn't have to pay Sony for Spidey to appear in Captain America: Civil War, but Sony does get box office revenue for any stand alone films the character appears in. That's a great deal! Despite other significant funding with companies like 20th Century Fox, Sony and Marvel appear to work together. Two big movie companies working together, sounds something that can only happen in a movie. X-Men and The Avengers are at a total loss of crossing paths so much that they cast two different actors to play Quicksilver. However, with the new arrival of Spider Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe(MCU) things can get a little tingling. 

Spider Man is a big part of the Avengers, so it's finally time to take his place. The one thing that is worrisome is the origin story. Peter Parker, geeky high school kid that got bitten by a Spider and yadda yadda Uncle Ben gets shot yadda yadda Mary Jane/ Gwen Stacy yadda explosion, well you get the point. If Marvel wants to adapt Spider Man into their films, they have to change the origin story. Origin Stories have been introducing characters in the same old fashion. Dude gets powers, traumatic experience, evil bad guy, gets girl at the end. Although it is vital for the audience to be introduced, perhaps it can be re introduced in another fashion. The studio can go both ways with this. One, it can keep Peter Parker, but they will need to already establish the origin story. An already established origin story can go right into the action and can catch up with the long established stories of Captain America and Iron Man. The other way it can go is using a different character to be Spider Man, such as Miles Morales. An african american and latino young man that take up the mantle to be the web slinger. This introduces another origin story, but also exemplifies the diversity Marvel needs and mold the new Spider Man into a grittier, suitable character for a world that loves a scary pinocchio song. This gives a question that needs to be answered, How can you introduce a new character that has been already established? Hopefully Marvel and Sony will answer that eloquently. 

In my opinion, I don't like Spider Man as much, but if he has the ability to surprise the new world he has just came into, then he has finally caught my attention.