Friday, January 16, 2015

A story, sun, rain, actors, and yoga: The Trials of the Sideways Music Video

It's a good time to say that this music video has been knocking me sideways. Last monday, we were assigned to create a music video. With a choice of three songs, we had to choose one and we chose Sideways by Citizen Cope. The story was about the thought of an ex girlfriend is distracting the everyday life of a boy. This sensation he gets makes him relive past memories until ultimately moving on at the end. With my group, we got to work. In pre production, we started working on the story and the different scenes throughout. With the different styles and lighting clouding the future of this story, everything became clear after a different take on it. In the words of François Truffaut about Alfred Hitchcock, simple and clear always makes the best movies. This fixed our problem, so we started writing the script. I'll be honest, I was very excited to film it. I had everything planned and the day before I was making the shot list and schedule. I thought it was going to be good and everything will go as planned. I was disillusioned.

Sunday morning started out sunny, but then the clouds came to formation. I was putting everything in the trunk when I first felt the first few drops of despair, or rain in a more literal form. I was saddened by the thought of my day ruined because of rain, which has happened to me a number of times. What makes more pissed of is the fact that it was sunny for the past two weeks and then decides to rain on the day that I choose to film, but I'm already used to that so I had to work with it. Arriving at Markham park, I was waiting for everyone already behind schedule. Then it started raining. Hard. We then changed plans and went to film other scenes. This wasn't the worst part.

On Tuesday afternoon, we went to film at Markham Park at 5:00. Barely having any time to film we filmed fast, but that wasn't gonna cut it. The sun went down and we had to use the lights of our cars to light the scene. After we went to an alleyway. We found the perfect place to film and we set up the lights. Right when we put the camera in the rig, this lady with her towel and sweat came to tell us to move because she was teaching a yoga class. We could't film the other part of our scenes that day so we moved it the next day. Next day was fine and we finished finally, but with the persistant rebellious attitude the actors.

This whole thing taught me one thing I keep being taught. Simple and clear always makes the cut. No matter what you do there's always something. Murphy's law is always imminent and we have to work with it. Filmmaking always is knocking me sideways.

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