Friday, January 9, 2015

The Usual Suspects: Award season Behavior

20145 Golden Globes Picks 

"For movies, there are no runway favorite," Jordan Zakarin, a writer for Yahoo! Movies, told ABC News. "I think a lot of different movies will be represented." 

In my house, the Golden Globes and The Academy Awards is practically like a holiday. My dad makes a big dinner and my brother gets my dad and me to bet who's going to win. We get very excited and watch from the Red Carpet until the very end. I cheer whenever my favorite nominees win, I'm sad when they don't, and I'm happy for those do win-for the right reason however. 

There have been many great movies this year. A lot to love about this year especially the novel and complexity of content this year has given us. There has been revolutionizing ideas with the mix of inspired and original stories. As award season is coming, there is a behavior that isn't changing. Every year the voters are looking at great movies, but have been nominating the the usual suspects: The Prestige Biopics, The tear jerker drama flicks, 180 minute long epics, and musicals. Granted, there have been different movies being nominated, but just to be there. It's very rare for a science fiction film to win or even an experimental. For Best Picture Drama, 4 out the 5 films being nominated are Biopics. There have also been other acclaimed and interesting pictures such as Unbroken, American Sniper, Wild, and Big Eyes. So why the abundance of the same type of movie being nominated? The Awards want to keep the same type so it distuinguish itself from the mainstream. There have been movies that have won from the mainstream, but why have most of them been shut out. 

This year, out of all the movies I will mention Interstellar. Say what you will, if it is the most overrated movies of the year, if it is long and confusing but it is the most ambitious, original piece of this year. The movie turned around and became a movie of humanity. Why has this movie been shut out? If the awards don't change their ways, "a lot of different movies" won't be represented. Movies are suppose to surprise and make people imagine, that is why the awards should have the same behavior.

I will say this. Interstellar was made and has been captivated audiences with it's core: Humanity. The best thing is, Christopher Nolan didn't do this for award. Jennifer Aniston in a serious role and many of those prestige pics have purposes, but possibly the best purpose is to win an award. Alfred Hitchcock said, "Create a movie not for the purpose to win an award, but to do it because it's a great story."   

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